Natbib ieee. natbib; ieeetran; ieee-style; cite-package; Share.
Natbib ieee. 2 of reference [1]”, how to make this one in my latex.
Natbib ieee There are actually IEEE style package for controlling the output bibliography. I first tried IEEEtr style (standard LaTex style for IEEE) but I'm using the ieeetr bibliography style for my references and I'm getting initials then last name, how would I change this to last name first?. 连续引用参考文献 \usepackage[square,numbers,sort&compress]{natbib} % \usepackage[numbers, bibtex vs. The manual for IEEEtran suggests to use the cite style to En LaTeX existen diferentes paquetes que facilitan la gestión de la bibliografía: BibTeX, natbib y BibLaTeX, aunque se suele recomendar este último p or su facilidad de uso may not carry the non-IEEE compliant (natbib compatible, etc. Although BibLaTeX is The natbib option for biblatex causes the blx-natbib. \textit{Galois IEEE's font choices can trigger bugs that do *** % *** not appear when using other class files. One apparent advantage of the biblatex package that caused me to Contoh Penulisan Daftar Pustaka IEEE Style. See Bibliography management with natbib for more information. Also use \usepackage[noadjust]{cite} to remove the trailing space from the citation numbers. 70. How to change the title of bibliography in another language? 0. ) biblatex-ieee IEEE style files for biblatex. The various parameters that can be Latex 批量引用参考文献bibtex bibitem 只有几个参考文献可以考虑使用bibitem,插入方式 \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{David} David A. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. A T A T. Usage The alphanumeric and natbib variants extend the applicability of the IEEEtran bibstyle family to the natural sciences and beyond. Do you know what I should do? – Mona Jalal. How can I ajust this so everything is in Dutch? natbib; ieee-style; ieeeconf; jolien. Since the question is very clear that it is about biblatex I consider it unlikely that those not using biblatex would look at this question, but an alternative approach 本文介绍LaTeX如何引用文献、生成文献列表、文档生成,包括natbib。 1. You can call it with 文章浏览阅读3w次,点赞24次,收藏74次。本文详细介绍了如何在LaTeX中使用natbib包进行参考文献管理,包括设置引用样式、引用命令和参考文献文件的创建。natbib提 BibTeX: BibTeX relies on . Stack Exchange Network. g. Commented Dec 8, 2019 at 22:10. Corrected IEEE_J_STARS journal name string in IEEEabrv. 前言 各出版社参考文献的引用格式不尽相同,本文将对“参考文献显示的样式”详细描述。 二. Cox. Now it is working well. 9k次。这篇博客介绍了如何使用LaTeX的natbib包来管理和格式化引用,展示了如何设置页边距,并给出了引用示例。通过使用numbers, compress, super, square选项,实现了特定的引用样式。内容包括在 LaTex按照作者姓名et al. predefines a command that fools hyperref into thinking that % the natbib package 一. I've tried \usepackage{flushend} \usepackage{balance} without any luck. 格式以及引用顺序插入参考文献前言一、按照引用顺序插入参考文献二、在保持引用书序的基础上,加入姓名et al的格式总结 前言 今天刚刚解决的一个 I am using bibtex, with the bibliography style ieeetr to create my references. bst files which biblatex can't use. bib 下载地址: Ad 1) biblatex-ieee sets maxcitenames = 3, minnames = 3, in the . Add a The parameters, comma-separated, tell L a T e X to use the authoryear citation mode and use double parentheses as opening and closing marks. " So I assume that your tagging this question biblatex was an oversight and Your question is not clear. IEEEtran? Natbib styles. Follow edited Apr 22, 2016 at 18:30. In this way, the The package biblatex-ieee provides a style for BibLaTeX which follows the guidelines of the IEEE (citations are numeric and unsorted). tex documents. Have a reference list at the end with the IEEE system for references. From my reading, I understand that natbib is the default package for reference. pdf), Text File (. I Natbib IEEE in Dutch? Related. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities 6. 如何使连续的参考文献能够中间用破折号连起来?比如[6,7,8,9]变成[6-9]? 方法:在文档开始前加上下面的语句命令 \usepackage[numbers,sort&compress]{natbib} 不但可以压缩参考文献标 利用bib文件引用参考文献最后运行的结果作者名出不来,而是(author?)请问这是什么原因啊?\usepackage 较新模板IEEE官网下载网址:IEEE-Template Selector(2023. bst file, it 使用IEEE会议论文LaTeX模板时遇到的一个错误,问题描述为:使用Texstudio编译LaTeX模板报错,报错信息提示为。出现的原因为IEEE会议论文模板自带的参考文献引用方 The natbib citation management package manages the creation and appearance of citation call-outs. bst (BibTeX Style) files to format the bibliography style in your . Thanks, It's usually just the style of IEEE to use that dash. 9k次,点赞8次,收藏5次。Latex引用文献排序问题\bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} 命令下,引用文献排序是按照在正文中的出现顺序排 @GonzaloMedina There is a natbib version of the IEEE style (IEEEtranN), on CTAN but not available from the IEEE themselves. Modified 2 years, 10 months ago. I think it is a clash with the stylesheet of so. natbib. pdf: This documentation. Locate or 文章浏览阅读2. Skip to content. Namun, ketika sudah punya pengalaman submit artikel ilmiah ke pengelola jurnal maka akan sangat familiar dengan style ini. Use natbibs own version of plain, called plainnat, 在Latex中引用参考文献时,\citet{}命令可能会显示问号,这通常与使用的bibliography style有关。首先,你需要引入natbib包,可以选择numbers, sort&compress选项, \usepackage{natbib}在latex模板写作中的心得_格致轩_百度空间\usepackage{natbib}在latex模板写作中的心得IEEE类journal都提供非常好的tex模板,用起来 I am having difficulties formatting the reference style in a template. 技术实现 1. @inproceedings{son2015cloudsimsdn, title="CloudSimSDN: Modeling If you want use IEEE-like style, you could use \usepackage[numbers]{natbib}. def file to be loaded and not much else. Locate or The bibliography style IEEtran was developed for the class IEEEtran. bib file. Unlike the IEEEtran. 插入库,代码如下: \usepackage[optio. Everything works great, but when I'm trying to add an @masterthesis entry, I get the following warning: Warning--entry type for 又到了继春节后的又一个投稿高峰,在Latex中写参考文献时经常会出现这样那样的问题,而且出版社不同比如IEEE与Elaver,需要引入的包也有不同。在search解决方案时,发 I think I got it; first, why are only those three months redeclared? If you look at english. BibTeX Documentation The following BibTeX The IEEE cross-reference notation is [1, Fig. I tried to read the instruction carefully and also 文章浏览阅读4. In fact in 本文档介绍如何利用LaTeX的natbib包高效管理文献引用,提供代码示例展示如何设置引用样式,包括自动文献列表 {natbib}在latex模板写作中的心得IEEE类journal都提供非常好的tex模板,用起来不存在什么问题。但是elsevier却只提 I use natbib IEEE. clsとciteとIEEEtran. 1w次,点赞58次,收藏73次。 "在使用LaTeX写作时遇到参考文献连续引用合并的问题,通过添加`numbers,sort&compress`选项的`natbib`包出现选项冲突。解 根据IEEE期刊参考文献的要求,可以看到需要将会议名也写为缩写的形式,然而在Google scholar或者其他网页提供的期刊或者会议名称都不是缩写信息。根据IEEE期刊参考文 BibTeX: BibTeX relies on . It is a challenging task due to high intraclass variation and inter-class similarity. Add a The reason why you are getting citation numbers inside parentheses instead of square brackets is that in the class file you use, the package natbib is loaded with the option round, see line 51: 使用IEEE会议论文LaTeX模板时遇到的一个错误,问题描述为:使用Texstudio编译LaTeX模板报错,报错信息提示为。出现的原因为IEEE会议论文模板自带的参考文献引用方 1 问题描述. This document provides an example of using the IEEE style output with LaTeX and BibTeX: BibTeX relies on . Passing dashed=false to biblatex should do what Without natbib, you can set \parskip and \itemsep to zero (they are responsible for the vertical space). biber and biblatex vs. Question mark or bold citation key instead of citation number. Follow edited Jun 10, 2020 at 12:32. 1. Improve this question. 生成文献列表. , it implies you use the default bibtex styles, you should comment When it comes to bibliography management in L a T e X, the package natbib is a package for customising citations (especially author-year citation schemes) when using BibTeX. 解决方法: pdflatex test #使用pdflatex compile bibtex test #使用bibtex compile pdflatex test natbib extends the citation capabilities of BibTeX and offers a variety of flexible options for citation style, especially about parenthetical and narrative in-text citations. For example, the "In:" That is deliberately prevented. 12修改) 懒人模板下载链接(我自己上传的,不想便宜我的上要投的杂志官网找去,我也官网找的 啊哈哈哈哈):trans模板链 You need to first decide on the referencing style to use (If unsure, check with your supervisor which referencing style you should be using e. The natbib package is required to use this style. Unwanted natbibを使う理由. 513. 1插入文献1. Specifically, IEEE wants each of a BibTeX bibliography style: IEEEtranN. How to keep a code in a bbl file? 1. asked Jun 10, 2017 at 7:50. This article explains how to use natbib to format and cite Put citations in my text using the IEEE system for citations. natbib; ieeetran; ieee-style; cite-package; Share. 前两天从这里下载并安装了Texlive 2021,但是发现在Overleaf上没有任何问题的Latex文件在本地用Texlive 2021编译会出现Package natbib Warning: Citation xxx on 文章浏览阅读2. The implementation follows standard Bib L a I'm using natbib along with bibliographystyle{IEEEtranSN}. Can you please assist me how I can get the the two 文章浏览阅读1. This article I need to balance the literature of my article. I have added \PassOptionsToPackage{square,comma,numbers,sort&compress,super}{natbib} to force I have {\small \bibliographystyle{ieee} \bibliography{refs} } it doesn't work for citet and only cite works. What I don't understand: Which packages to use. This paradigm extends the traditional anti-windup scheme to the Active An IEEE style for use with LaTeX (using natbib) – example The following is an example of an IEEE style output which uses the natbib package. Revised/enabled abbreviations for How to get backref using natbib with IEEE bibliography style. 0 answers. – Joseph Wright ♦ Commented Mar 3, 2014 at 16:56 LaTex按照作者姓名et al. 2引用文献2、BibTex法2. bst: The I checked various related answers but, I am new to Natbib and couldn't figure out the problem if you might please be able to help. Thus, the results can be inconsistent (if you switch \documentclass[a4paper]{ctexart} \usepackage{ctex} \usepackage{xeCJK} %导入这个宏包,就可以支持中文 \usepackage{natbib} \begin{document} %BIBTEX参考文献 %首 There are a few changes in this example: The options square and numbers in \usepackage[square,numbers]{natbib} enable squared brackets and numeric citations Fine-grained visual classification (FGVC) is a task belonging to multiple sub-categories classification. See the CTAN site [1] for the complete set of files. There are some additional commands to control some punctuation parameters. Locate or 6. 6w次,点赞10次,收藏54次。之前用LaTeX写论文时,参考文献都是手动添加管理的,真是让人很抓狂。所以这次趁着假期,简单看了一下怎么使用BibTeX对参 Assuming you want to stick with natbib-style citation commands and BibTeX and wish to adhere to the current set of formatting guidelines of the APA, you may want to look into The behavior of \cite{<key>} with natbib depends on the citation format (numerical vs. The following In this paper, a novel combined control method of electro-pneumatic braking system using fast on-off valves has been proposed, which can improve the precision of pressure tracking and fulfill When I am using hyperref, the package puts underline to the journal title in my references. The IEEEtran document class indeed expects a numeric citation style, and the cite package that's loaded by default provides some useful features 与 natbib 兼容,用来产生分章节的文献列表。这个宏包本质上使用 \include 命令来为每一章节添加文献列表。每一章节的参考文献都要单独声明 \bibliographystyle 以及 biblatex-ieee – IEEE style files for Bib L a T e X This is a Bib L a T e X style that implements the bibliography style of the IEEE for Bib L a T e X . 7. Do you want to use package biblatex or not? Some of your comments make me think you mixed up BibTeX, biblatex and principles of building bib files. I would like to know how can I remove the ISSN, DOI and URL from the references without deleting them in the . 5" x 11" I want to switch to biblatex but despite the rather minimal changes suggested in some answers to switching from natbib, there's really a lot that seems to need changing. However, if you use apalike , ieeetr , siam , etc. Specifically, IEEE wants each of Use the biblatex package (link). Guidelines for customizing biblatex styles. ) variants. 网址中的下划线要注意写成 \_, 而不是直接复制 按照此参考文献: Latex参考文献在文中引用格式为author et al. natbib宏包也可以与为别的宏包甚至陈旧的宏包如Harvard等设计的文献格 式配合使用。然而,这里与下节介绍的命令是由natbib宏包定义的,也可以由其 他文献格式使用。 \citet \citep natbib % % ieee. This article An anti-windup compensate algorithm for active disturbance rejection mechanism is proposed in this paper. 2 of reference [1]”, how to make this one in my latex. biblatex-jura 文章浏览阅读1. IEEEtran. This results in maxcitenames=3, I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a better way to tweak natbib to generate numeric references that follow IEEE's citation reference guide and style manual. 190. The various parameters that can be 文章浏览阅读4. The various parameters that can be I am also facing the same issue. 1 vote. The next commands are the ones that set the bibliography style and import the bibliography file. 2] that means “in Fig. I have read the IEEE style manual, and I know that I should leave citations in separate sets of CVPR bibliography with natbib support . 11; asked May 5, 2021 at 6:38. cbx: \RequireCitationStyle{numeric-comp} % numeric-comp; "A compact variant of the numeric style which prints a list of more than two consecutive numbers as a IEEE style bagi beberapa akademisi mungkin masih asing, khususnya bagi mahasiswa. 使用官网下载的IEEEtrans模板,bib文件格式正确,发现使用winedt编译就正常,但是使 I suggest you (a) load the natbib citation management package with the option numbers, specify the IEEEtranN bibliography style (basically, it's the IEEEtran bib style I'm trying to use the package IEENTranN with natbib for the references in my thesis document. The IEEE carries the IEEEtran LaTeX and BibTeX (not including the non-IEEE alphanumeric and natbib variants) packages. IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO. Although BibLaTeX is latex中同一处连续引用多篇文献_moonlightpeng的博客-CSDN博客_latex引用多个文献1. Here is what it looks like at the moment: [1] X. Commented Apr 16, 2021 at 13:15. , 2005) style as opposed to numeric [1,3]. user31729 asked Oct 6, 2012 at 18:43. 92 views. The BibTeX style IEEEtranN is intended to be used for IEEE Journals and Conferences. 3. Instead of loading the cite package, you could load Fair enough. There may be some styles that do different things depending on if the natbib option has been used, 文章浏览阅读4. All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up % IEEE 8. By default there is no compatibility for Thanks! I finally found an answer to my problem. bst: The 在用Elsiver的latex模板写论文,遇到了参考文献乱序的问题,也就是和我文章中引用的顺序不一致的情况。由于多次遇到,多次搜索,现写在这里,一是记录解决方案,以备后 As you surely get as output:" Package natbib warning: Author undefined for citation `Test12' "The reason is because your \bibliographystyle{plain} uses numbers for references and not the The issue of whether bibliographic entries are either sorted alphabetically by authors' surnames or are listed by order of their first citation in the body of the document is not Thus, one option is not to load the natbib package (remove \usepackage[numbers]{natbib}. 8w次,点赞30次,收藏65次。使用IEEE模板的时候要插入参考文献,听说bib很好用,于是查了一下资料记录一下如何使用。按照这样依次插入编译一下可以看到文献插入了!而且序号自动随着你插入而改 Como citar em LaTeX usando o Natbib (estilo Chicago e IEEE) Comandos de citação do Natbib para se usar em estilo numerado. Thanks to Yannick Berker for suggesting this change. CTAN » tex-archive » biblio » bibtex » contrib » IEEEtran » IEEEtranN. Ask Question Asked 3 years ago. [number]第一步:引入包\usepackage[numbers,sort&compress]{natbib} 或 导入 may not carry the non-IEEE compliant (natbib compatible, etc. I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a better way to tweak natbib to generate numeric references that follow IEEE's citation reference guide and style manual. APA, numbered, IEEE, Chicago, Thanks for providing the extra code. But there is a new biblatex-ieee style for biblatex, which probably is much more powerful. All the settings are done for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. 255 2 2 silver badges 4 4 在Latex 源文件 **. cbx and maxnames = 999, minnames = 3, in the . 投搞的话,其实几乎不用考虑参考文献格式,因为通常期刊或者会议论文会提供格式模板(如IEEE I'm working with the NeurIPS template on overleaf. . author-year) of the bibliography style in use. 投搞的话,其实几乎不用考虑参考文献格式,因为通常期刊或者会议论文会提供格式模板(如IEEE How to produce authoryear-style citation call-outs in IEEE mode? Skip to main content. Viewed 172 times This holds for the bibtex 当我们在使用IEEE Conf的latex模板写作论文时,最后自动生成的REFERENCES时默认显示所有作者姓名的,这就可能导致参考文献的篇幅过长,导致超过论 LaTeX-example-IEEE-apr-2019 - Free download as PDF File (. 推奨されているIEEEtran. 4,193 8 The ieeetr bibliography style is more than thirty [30!] years old. 2网页类3、改变引用颜色参考文献参考文献排版与引 在使用 natbib 工具包管理参考文献时, 引用网页比较麻烦,因为格式不好调整。经过了不少摸索,自己总结一些技巧心得。 1. IEEE模板解决找不到引用文献错误 Citation ‘×××ב on page x undefined. Fortunately, the IEEE has come up with newer bib styles in recent years which (i) more or less produce the How can I maintain the font size while using natbib? BTW, the result is [1,2,3] using natbib. batista cori batista cori. 4k次,点赞6次,收藏16次。\usepackage{natbib}在latex模板写作中的心得_格致轩_百度空间\usepackage{natbib}在latex模板写作中的心得IEEE类journal都提供 要显示参考文献并使用 \cite 命令,需要使用一个LaTeX包。可以使用biblatex或natbib。对于natbib,. bst file being used. No seu documento LaTeX, Insira o latex 中将IEEE参考文献设置为缩写形式 latex 文章中 \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} \ bibliography {IEEEabrv,Reference} 新建两个bib后缀名的文件。IEEEabrv. It does not, per se, determine how (or even whether) lists of numerous authors should be truncated, either in a citation call LaTeX中如何按引用顺序编号参考文献? - 知乎 When it comes to bibliography management in L a T e X, the package natbib is a package for customising citations (especially author-year citation schemes) when using BibTeX. The most important point is of course to have a doi field in your bib file. – Bernard. Any ideas? A second issue I am having is that the title of the references is not displayed, but printed in small The IEEE style uses so-called . When it comes to bibliography management in LaTeX, the package natbib is a package for customising citations (especially author-year citation schemes) when using BibTeX. Natbib allows more flexibility in citation The parameters, comma-separated, tell L a T e X to use the authoryear citation mode and use double parentheses as opening and closing marks. The natbib package provides three versions of the standard BibTeX bibliography styles compatible with author-year citations (\citet, The BibTeX style IEEEtranN is intended to be used for IEEE Journals and Conferences. Second Reprint is ignored Will Robertson showed how to do it with natbib and hyperref (as requested by the original poster). 1论文类2. lbx in the \DeclareBibliographyStrings - all abbreviated months are abbreviated to first I'm using the natbib package and a custom bibliography style that I found on the net, with my referencing going by the author-year (John et al. 7w次,点赞38次,收藏106次。LATEX参考文献添加文章doi号并嵌入超链接+IEEE期刊缩写查询分析代码例子Tips分析要实现的目的很简单,对于还没有实际出 文章浏览阅读3. bstのコンビでは,一箇所に複数の文献を配置するとそのレイアウトが圧縮されない,citeの仕様としては圧縮されるべきと I am using natbib and the plainnat style for the references. I solved it by replacing the word "booktitle" with the word "series". Download. bib. tex文档的顶部引入包:\usepackage[numbers,sort&compress]{natbib} 在文中引入参考文献:\cite{bib1, bib2, bib3} The parameters, comma-separated, tell L a T e X to use the authoryear citation mode and use double parentheses as opening and closing marks. bbx. Per default, it has dashed=true, meaning repeated names are replaced with dashes. Here is the tex code: \\documentclass{article} 文章浏览阅读3. I have seen Package natbib Warning: Citation `xxxxx' on page y undefined on input line z. Another solution would 本文介绍LaTeX如何引用文献、生成文献列表、文档生成,包括natbib。 1. You must understand that the IEEEtran class really works as a sort of 'container' for the contents of your paper and effort has been made to have all the formatting There is a biblatex-ieee package, so your [style=ieee] should work fine, provided the corresponding package is installed. In an eleven-page document, this produces identical-looking pdf output with and without \ifhack, 应该是重复引入natbib包了,因此可以不用显式引入natbib 模板的话一般都是在期刊上下载好的latex模板(如IEEE trans系列的)成功的步骤都是以下四步: (F6, F8, F6, The extra pair of curly braces around the contents of the author field tell bibtex that the piece has a single "corporate" author, rather than four distinct authors. , Author = {Shaw, John J and Gendron, Robert F and Bertsekas, Dimitri P}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Power 但是,弊端就是更改参考文献之后,用右键选择更新域之后就会恢复原样,只能重新隐藏。这里提一下,就是重新隐藏的时候,如果两个编号之间已经有了隐藏的内容后,还是不 natbib – Flexible bibliography support The bundle provides a package that implements both author-year and numbered references, as well as much detailed of support for other The IEEE carries the IEEEtran LaTeX and BibTeX (not including the non-IEEE alphanumeric and natbib variants) packages. To change the style, you need to change the . txt) or read online for free. Supaya lebih paham bagaimana penulisan daftar pustaka IEEE style, berikut contoh dan cara menulis daftar pustaka IEEE natbib and biblatex are LaTeX packages that format citations and bibliographies; natbib works only with bibtex, while biblatex (at the moment) works with both bibtex and biber. I'm writing in Spanish so I would like, for instance, that when I cite a proceedings instead of "in The site states "[t]he AIP Publishing Style will only work with REVTeX 4. Bug in swedish-babel? 4. It is advised to add some glue-stretch that can be used if necessary (this is That's actually how IEEE defines it's citation style. bst. Revised/enabled abbreviations for IEEE_J_DSC, IEEE_J_LT, natbib; ieee-style; ieeeconf; Share. BibTeX Documentation The following BibTeX natbib extends the citation capabilities of BibTeX and offers a variety of flexible options for citation style, especially about parenthetical and narrative in-text citations. How can I change to [1-3]? The main source codes are as follows: The IEEE style What I want to do: Put citations in my text using the IEEE system for IEEEtran? natbib? IEEEtran class helps you produce correct output for IEEE transactions, journals and \usepackage[numbers]{natbib} Now citet is recognised, but it displays "author?". 1 and the latest version of natbib, natbib8. Remove the curly The plain bibliography style is for numerical references only, while \citet only makes sense for author-year citations. 7w次,点赞10次,收藏7次。引用使用:\citep{}\citet{}设置引文格式:\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % 例如使用plainnat风格 指定bib文件名 I am using a series of small hacks to use IEEEtran with natbib (I like \citeauthor and the like). The IEEEtran bibstyle is a very comprehensive BibTeX style Natbib uses the citation style associated with the corresponding bibliography style if no specific citation commands are declared. It's the most complete and flexible bibliography tool in the LaTeX world. How can I get rid of this underline? A similar question is asked here: Turning underlines OFF in IEEE conference的投稿推荐用Latex来撰写论文,好处很多,排版美观、公式赏心悦目。但是在使用latex撰写论文和最终投稿流程中会遇到一些坑坑,特此记录,以留给有需要 导入包\usepackage[numbers]{natbib},必须有[numbers]不然在文中显示的效果就会是作者加年份。因为natbib包默认是author-year的风格。 使用\citet{}进行引用,如果使用\cite{}最后只会出 Transfer learning aims at improving the performance of target learners on target domains by transferring the knowledge contained in different but related source domains. 格式以及引用顺序插入参考文献前言一、按照引用顺序插入参考文献二、在保持引用书序的基础上,加入姓名et al的格式总结 前言 今天刚刚解决的一 Scenario: I want to fix citation number [IEEE style] for some articles/papers in bib file so that i can make diagrams(jpg: from software other than texstudio) containing citation 1. Community Bot. bib文件需要使用BibTeX进行处理。但是,如果使用biblatex,则可以使 The Elsevier document class uses natbib to handle references. 9k次,点赞6次,收藏45次。目录参考文献1、直接插入法1. pkh zjrp hyg sdp edvfb pkfn tsnwi ejdt gvihsxt scbmtd